Laurent Chrzanovski

With a PhD in Roman Archaeology obtained at the University of Lausanne, a Postdoctoral Research Degree in History and Sociology at the Romanian Academy of Sciences, an EU Habilitation to direct PhDs in History and related sciences, Laurent Chrzanovski is Chair Professor at the doctoral School of the Sibiu State University and holds postdoctoral courses […]
Costin G. Raiu

Costin specializes in analyzing advanced persistent threats, zero-day exploits and complex malware. He is leading the world-known Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) that researched the inner workings of many high-profile attacks, including RedOctober, WannaCry, ShadowPad and ShadowHammer and Moonlight Maze. His current work is focused on the development of code similarity technologies and systems […]
Mika Lauhde

Mika Lauhde is having +30 years of experience working in Cyber security and privacy field, had lead world biggest telecom companies security functions, worked in EU and outside EU in several key positions defining the future of directives, regulations, strategies of the critical cyber and privacy functions. As Director of Business Security and Continuity, Mika […]
Gérald Vernez

Gérald Vernez studied geology, meteorology and then security policy. After a first career as an engineer and risk manager in industry, he joined the General Staff of the Swiss Armed Forces in 1996. He prepared and trained the Federal Crisis Staff for the Y2K problem, planned the Command & Control organization of the armed forces […]
Stéphane Mortier

Stéphane Mortier is currently deputy head of the Centre for Economic Security and Protection of Enterprises (CSECOPE) within the General Directorate of the French Gendarmerie and a member of the Gendarmerie National Research Community (CREOGN). He is assiciate lecturer at the University Gustave Eiffel. He has a degree in political science, sociology and international relations […]
Yvonne K. Serrato

Yvonne K. Serrato arrived in Bucharest in June 2021 to serve as Cyber Assistant Legal Attaché of the FBI Office for Romania and Moldova. She joined the FBI in 2004. As an FBI Special Agent, she investigated both criminal and national security computer intrusions at the FBI offices in Washington, DC, Jacksonville and Miami. She has […]
Daniel Cuciurianu

Daniel CUCIURIANU is Project Manager at the Cybercrime Programme Office (C-PROC) of the Council of Europe. Before joining the C-PROC, Daniel was Head the Cybercrime Department of the Bucharest Organised Crime Unit of the Romanian National Police. As senior police investigator, Daniel is experienced in coordinating operations, liaising with international LEAs and private sector, identifying trends […]
Captain Patrick GHION

Head of the Forensic Section of the Geneva Cantonal Police; Head of the Regional Cyber Competence Centre for Western Switzerland; Deputy Director of the National Network for Investigative Support in the Fight against Computer Crime. Captain Patrick GHION heads the Forensic Section of the Geneva Cantonal Police. This section is composed of six brigades, including […]
Cătălin Zetu

Cătălin Zetu is Inspector Principal, Head of the Bureau for Investigation of Crimes against Information Systems – within the Service for Combating Computer Crime (SCCI) of the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police (IGPR). Anton Rog

Brigadier General Anton Rog is the Head of National Cyberint Center within the Romanian Intelligence Service (SRI). The Cyberint is responsible for conducting 24/7 activities to discover, characterize and proactively counter cyber threats against systems and networks critical to Romania national security. Anton Rog has held various technical development positions including software and systems design. He has also served as a Deputy Director within […]