Valéry is the Legal Officer of the Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium (as well of the federal service which is a part of the CCB) and he is a former lawyer at the Brussels Bar. He is in charge of the legal aspect of the activities of the CCB and the, including the implementation […]

Gaetano is the Scientific Director of National Committee for Electrical Grid Cyber Security, Resilience and Business Continuity, in which he has been playing an active role since 2015. He also works as an OT Security Manager for A2A S.p.A. Group’s Security & Cyber Defence, prior to which he served as Technical Manager for electrical systems […]
Stéphane MORTIER

Stéphane Mortier is currently deputy head of the Centre for Economic Security and Protection of Enterprises (CSECOPE) within the General Directorate of the French Gendarmerie and a member of the Gendarmerie National Research Community (CREOGN). He is assiciate lecturer at the University Gustave Eiffel. He has a degree in political science, sociology and international […]
Cpt. Patrick GHION

Le capitaine Patrick Ghion est à la tête du Centre régional de cybercompétence de Suisse occidentale, ainsi que Directeur adjoint du Réseau national suisse de soutien aux enquêtes dans la lutte contre la criminalité informatique. Patrick Ghion est également le chef de la section forensique de la police cantonale de Genève. Cette section est composée […]
Olivier FEIX

Olivier Feix is a Cybersecurity referent expert for the GALILEO GLOBAL EDUCATION Group (GGE) and responsible for the GGE immersive Cyber simulation room project within the National CAMPUS CYBER – Paris la Défense. He lectures at Science Po Saint-Germain, IHEMI, IHEDN and IFPASS on cyber issues. Through ZENON7, his company specialised in European Affairs and […]

With a PhD in Roman Archaeology obtained at the University of Lausanne, a Postdoctoral Research Degree in History and Sociology at the Romanian Academy of Sciences, and an EU Habilitation to direct PhDs in History and related sciences, Laurent Chrzanovski is Professor at the doctoral School of the Sibiu State University and holds postdoctoral courses […]

David is Chief Information Security officerChief Information Security officer at Banque Carrefour D’échange de Données. The BCED (Banque-Carrefour d’Echanges de Données) is a service integrator that facilitates data exchanges between administrations in Wallonia and the Wallonia-Brussels Federation. (Belgium) David est Chief Information Security officerChief Information Security officer à la Banque Carrefour D’échange de Données. La […]

Delphine Bernet-Travert received a multidisciplinary education in History and Human Sciences at the Sorbonne in Paris, from which she holds a Master’s degree. She also graduated bilingually from Sciences Po Paris in International Relations with a specialisation in Europe, followed by a Master’s degree in European Public Policy from the Strasbourg Institute of Political Studies. […]