CyberSecurity Dialogues

Mauro Vignati

Adviser on New Digital Technologies of Warfare, ICRC, Switzerland

Mauro Vignati has worked in cyber threat intelligence and cyber security for the past 18 years. He worked for KOBIK, the first unit of the Swiss government dedicated to fighting cybercrime, and then for MELANI, a governmental body dedicated to protecting Switzerland’s critical infrastructure against cyber attacks. Afterward, he worked for the Department of Defense and the National Cyber Security Centre ( He recently joined the ICRC as an Adviser on New Digital Technologies of Warfare. Mauro has a long experience in the prevention, identification, and analysis of cyber crimes and advanced persistent threats. He also spends his time researching in the field of communication technology innovation in different political and economical environments. He holds a master’s degree in literature and an executive master in criminology and he taught at universities in Berne, Geneva, and Lugano.