CyberSecurity Dialogues


Paper : The relevance to justify Information Security Capex and Opex

PDF: 6 Cappelli

Massimo este Cyber Security Manager la Poste Italiane şi Planning Operations Manager la Global Cyber Security Center (Roma). În calitate de PMO, el coordonează activităţile educaţionale şi de cercetare ale fundaţiei. A urmat studii economice şi ulterior a obţinut un PhD în “Geoeconomics, Geopolitics and Geohistory of Border Regions” (Geoeconomie, geopolitică şi geo-istoria regiunilor de frontieră), concentrat pe programe de protecţia infrastructurilor critice. Are şi un masterat în Intelligence and Security Studies (Studii de securitate şi informaţii). Anterior, a ocupat funcţia de Associate Expert in Risk Resilience and Assurance (expert asociat în asigurare şi rezilienţă la riscuri) la Booz & Company şi Booz Allen Hamilton. A fost şi consultant în mai multe grupuri de lucru pentru industrie şi pentru NATO.




Massimo is Operations Planning Manager within the GCSEC. He coordinates, as PMO, research and education activities of the foundation. Since January 2017, he leads the CERT and Cyber Security of the Poste Italiane within the Information Protection Department. After economic studies, he obtained PhD in “Geoeconomics, Geopolitics and Geohistory of border regions” focus on Critical Infrastructure Protection Programme and a Master in “Intelligence and Security Studies”. In the previous experience, he assumed the role of Associate Expert in Risk Resilience and Assurance in Booz & Company and Booz Allen Hamilton. He also acted as consultant in several think tanks, for industrial groups as well as for the NATO.