Laurent Chrzanovski
Founder and Director, Cybersecurity Dialogues and Cybersecurity Trends
With a PhD in Roman Archaeology obtained at the University of Lausanne, a Postdoctoral Research Degree in History and Sociology at the Romanian Academy of Sciences, an EU Habilitation to direct PhDs in History and related sciences, Laurent Chrzanovski is Chair Professor at the doctoral School of the Sibiu State University and holds postdoctoral courses within several major EU Universities. He is the author/editor of 32 books, ofmore than 150 scientific articles and of as many general-public articles. In the frame of cybersecurity, Laurent Chrzanovski is member and contractual consultant of the ITU roster of experts. He founded and manages the yearly “Cybersecurity Dialogues” PPP Congresses (Romania, Italy, Switzerland), organized in partnership with the highest international and national authorities. In the same spirit and with the same partnerships, he is co-founder and redactor-in-chief of the first free cyber security awareness quarterly journal, Cybersecurity Trends, published in Romanian language since 2015, with French, English and in Italian versions since 2017. His main domains of study are focused on the relationship between the human behaviours and the digital world as well as the assurance of finding the right balance between security and privacy for the e-citizens, their lives and businesses.