The threat landscape to which a country is exposed is one of the essential factors when considering new investments in a state in 2023, as business leaders are more aware than ever of cyber threats. A recent report released at Davos, Switzerland, revealed that 93% of cybersecurity executives and 86% of their business counterparts view the risk of a catastrophic cyber event occurring within the next two years as either ‘high’ or ‘moderately high’.
However, organizations still face significant challenges when effectively addressing cyber issues. Companies need to improve the frequency and quality of IT security training, cyber incident response plans, and cybersecurity governance.
The work-from-home or hybrid work environment, the war in Ukraine, and the economic context characterized by high inflation, coupled with the new developments in AI and machine learning sector also create new opportunities for cybercriminals. Attacks are evolving from shutting down laptops or stealing data to hacking internet-connected industrial control systems. These compromised devices can either be used as initial attack vectors from which cybercriminals can pivot within a country’s critical infrastructure or be tampered with to disrupt critical infrastructure operations.
In this context, the Chamber of Commerce Switzerland-Romania, IT training centre Swiss Webacademy and Microsoft will organize, on February 9th 2023, the event ’Cybertech or Science Fiction: What investors need to know about cybersecurity trends and vulnerabilities in 2023’, to emphasize the expected impact of new technologies and new vulnerabilities on the business sector.
February 9th, 2023, Microsoft HQ, Blvd. Iuliu Maniu nr. 6P, Cladirea Campus 6.2, Et.4, Bucarest
9:00 - 9:05: WELCOME SPEECH
Teodora KOLETSIS, Vicepresident of CCE-R
Daniela CHRZANOVSKI, General Manager Swiss Webacademy
& Cybersecurity leader of CCE-R content-oriented working group
E. S. Arthur MATTLI, Ambassador of Switzerland in Romania
9:10 - 9:30 Microsoft Security, Our Journey Together
Eugen RUSEN – Security Cloud Solution Architects Lead CEE, Microsoft
09:30 - 10:30: PANEL 1
How can companies cope with new technologies trends and better protect their IT infrastructure
Maria-Manuela CATRINA, Deputy Director DNSC – moderator
Discussion topics:
Working in a new digital world: emerging technologies, challenges and threats.
Trends and partnership in Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity Threats & Trends in Business
How to recognize & prevent CyberCrime. New Vulnerabilities – Latest cybersecurity threats for industry & enterprises.
Do’s and dont’s when your company is under a cyberattack
Moe JAME, CEO, Team Extension & IT leader of CCE-R content-oriented working group
Eugen RUSEN – Security Cloud Solution Architects Lead CEE, Microsoft
Sorin Ioan STĂNICĂ, Chief Police Commissioner, Head of Prevention Office, IGPR
Cătălin ZETU, Principal Inspector, Head of the Bureau for Investigation of Crimes against Information Systems – IGPR.
10:30 - 11:30: PANEL 2
Cybersecurity Case Studies. Real-world examples & lessons learned
Magda POPESCU, Outside Legal Counsel to Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit – moderator & speaker
Discussion topics:
Business Email Compromise – what it is, cases and means to prevent it
How exposed are Romanian companies to cyber threats
What are the most common mistakes that business leaders do when they face a ransomware attack
Legal implications of Cryptoware Attacks and defense solutions
How Artificial Intelligence is defending organizations against cyberattacks
Marius AMZA, Director & Co-founder Swiss WebBusiness
Eduard ȘTEFAN, CEO & Co-founder, GESP IT Solution
Ovidiu BERNASCHI, GM & Founder, InoviTeC
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